Amster Rothstein and Ebenstein, LLP - Intellectual Property Law

In the Press:
'T-minus' Buffet enters the private placement biz

- Investment News, December 2, 2011

'T-minus' Buffet enters the private placement biz

Firm that bears no relationship to the Oracle of Omaha or Berkshire Hathaway filed offering with the SEC last month

Such outlandish confusion with a famous name is a no-no, according to one intellectual-property attorney.

“It's outrageous. General trade market law prohibits using someone else's name or brand where that can cause confusion,” said Anthony F. LoCicero, a partner with Amster Rothstein & Ebenstein LLP.

“Warren Buffett is the most famous financial person in America, but I honestly don't know how many T's he has in his name,” Mr. Lo Cicero said. “It's a violation of Mr. Buffett's rights in many ways, and it will likely cause confusion and was likely intended to cause confusion.”


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